Show Notes:89. Curtis Sergeant — Learning From Global Movements of Discipleship
Curtis Sergeant is an MK (missionary kid) from Asia who served with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board as a missionary among unreached people groups in China and as a global trainer in missions.
He has also served as a VP (for Global Strategy) with the IMB before leaving to help start the P.E.A.C.E. Plan at Saddleback Church where he directed their church planting efforts for five years.
He served as a VP with e3 Partners Ministry for three years before moving to Alabama. He continues to serve with them as a consultant along with a number of other organizations for which he conducts training.
He recently released a new book entitled, <em>The Only One: Living Fully In, By, and For God</em>, which is available for free at
Curtis joins me to talk about his work in global church planting, discipleship movements, and what we can learn from them.