Show Notes:54. David Mathis — God Made You a Writer: An Invitation to Every Christian
David Mathis joins me to talk about how writing has shaped his ministry. David has spent years editing and writing for Desiring God and through the process, developed a deep appreciation for how the calling to write impacts not just pastors but every Christian. David has two articles on writing which I can’t recommend highly enough.
Fed Up with Life and Ready to Write
God Made You a Writer: An Invitation to Every Christian
Take this example from David’s post:
“Whenever you are fed up with life, start writing: ink is the great cure for all human ills.” — C. S. Lewis
Whether we think of ourselves as writers or not — and we are all writers to some extent, even if it’s just email and social media — we should acknowledge that the adolescent Lewis is onto something profound here about the discipline of writing, even if “all human ills” is an overstatement.
Writing is a help for a great many ailments, both in ourselves and in others. It is, perhaps, one of the quintessential ways of making sweet drinks from life’s sour fruit. Writing is ready made for those with some great angst. It’s appropriate for the anxious and the angry. Writing is for the lonely and the depressed and the misunderstood. For the frustrated and the fearful. For the poor in spirit and those who mourn.