Episode 40

Benjamin Vrbicek

Reflections on the Pursuit of Writing

Benjamin Vrbicek is the author of the soon to be released, Don't Just Send a Resume and has written for Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, and For the Church.
Benjamin Vrbicek is the author of the soon to be released, Don't Just Send a Resume and has written for Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, and For the Church.
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Show Notes:40. Benjamin Vrbicek — Reflections on the Pursuit of Writing

Writing is a calling; a calling always requires faithfulness. It’s so easy to say you want to be a writer. It’s an entirely different thing to do it with faithfulness, to leave the comfort of home and follow God to a place yet to be told.

Benjamin is that kind of writer and he has my respect for it. Writing hasn’t always been easy and he isn’t afraid to acknowledge it. His honesty is refreshing and his writing reflects his humility in the best of ways.

Through his writing, Benjamin continues to serve the church by addressing some of the most important topics that often publishers and other authors find difficult to address.

Benjamin is worth your attention.

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