Thoughts on Life, Ministry, and Writing

4 Questions I Wish I Could Ask Jordan Peterson About Faith and Christianity
Plus, 18 relevant articles and videos
Central to the plot of Ayn Rand’s classic 1957 novel, Atlas Shrugged, is the repeatedly posed question, “Who is John Galt?” The novel is about an increasingly tyrannical government undermined by a mysterious individual who workes to sabotage the bureaucracy by helping entrepreneurs and business owners vanish from the workforce; Galt covertly subverts the system...

Eugene Peterson at The Writer’s Symposium
The ordination of writers
It’s hard to overestimate the impact Eugene Peterson has had on me as a pastor and as a writer. This video is a conversation with Peterson and Dean Nelson at the Point Loma Nazarene University’s Writer’s Symposium by the Sea in 2007. More than writing, Peterson offers deep wisdom into the lifestyle of the pastor...

John Piper on the Calling to Write
Sensing and evaluating a call
John Piper discusses how to sense if you are being called to write. If you have ever thought God was calling you to write, Piper offers sound advice on evaluating that call. He describes the levels of awareness that helps us solidify and build confidence in our writing and call. Listen on Youtube:

The Writing Life of Craig Keener
From research to writing to editing
I’ve recently been working through Craig Keener’s 4-part commentary on the Book of Acts. I’ll be preaching through the Book of Acts this summer and fall. Keener’s book is remarkable and massive. I once heard a scholar suggest that it will be the most important work on Acts for at least the next 100 years....

This Rock On My Desk: Nineveh and Tarshish
The choice we must keep making.
There is a round rock that sits on my desk between my screen and the keyboard. Honestly, it’s a little strange because it could easily be mistaken for a small potato. But it’s a rock. A good friend brought it back from a service trip to Iraq. He was part of a team taking food...

Frederick Buechner on Writing, Church, And Finding Your Voice
Why finding your voice matters as much in the pulpit as on the page
Below is a 4-part video series of Walter Brueggemann interviewing author and ordained minister, Frederick Buechner. The interview covers a wide range of topics from Buechner’s seminary experience to the importance of the pastor’s voice. “With a religious book it is less what we see in it than what we see through it that matters.” — Frederick...

Thoughts On Being A Bi-Vocational Pastor
How I’ve come to love being a working pastor.
This summer will be our fifth anniversary of planting Bent Oak Church. For the entire five years, I have been a bi-vocational pastor. It might be more accurate to say, for most of it, I’ve been a volunteer. A year ago the church began to pay me for one day a week. Of course, Sundays...