Conversations on Writing, Reading, & the Christian Life

Host: Chase Replogle

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Join me as I interview pastors, authors, and writing experts in my journey to better understand the calling and the craft of writing, reading, and living the Christian life.

"Alexa, play the Pastor Writer Podcast."

Episode 173

Chase Replogle

Reputation: The Image of a King

Instinct number four is reputation and our impulse to protect our public image. Through the lives of David and Saul, we learn the real risk

Episode 172

Chase Replogle

Ambition: A Promised Land Lost

We continue our look at the 5 instincts by exploring the experience of ambition and why we need rest in order to check it.
00:00 23:40

Episode 171

Chase Replogle

Adventure: Cultivating New Eyes

We continue our look at the 5 instincts by exploring the desire for adventure and our need for better discernment.
00:00 21:33

Episode 170

Chase Replogle

Instinct #1—Sarcasm: The Humor of Our Age

In today's episode, we begin to look at the five instincts, beginning with the first, sarcasm. How is sarcasm an instinct and why does it need to be properly balanced?
00:00 23:08

Episode 169

Chase Replogle

Shakespeare and the Instincts

In today's episode, we take a closer look at Shakspeare's stages of a man and how the men of the Bible make better companions than heroes.
00:00 24:49

Episode 168

Chase Replogle

Men, Meat, and the Masculine Malaise

We kick off a new series of conversations on The 5 Masculine Instincts.
00:00 22:13

Episode 167

Chase Replogle

The 5 Masculine Instincts is available for Per-Order

It's been six years of work, but The 5 Masculine Instincts is finally available for pre-order and set to release March 1, 2022.
00:00 14:02

Episode 166

Chase Replogle

My Top 10 Books of 2021

It's my tradition to end the year with a list of the books that influenced my thinking most in the previous year. Here's my top 10 books of 2021.
00:00 22:56

Episode 165

Preston Ulmer

Good-Faith Conversations with Those Who Doubt

Preston Ulmer joins me to talk about his new book, The Doubter's Club. We explore how to have good-faith conversations with those who disagree.
00:00 39:39

Episode 164

Tom Nelson

A Better Pastoral Paradigm

Tom Nelson joined me to talk about his new book, The Flourishing Pastor, and why we need a better paradigm for the pastoral work.
00:00 41:02

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